Friday, December 9, 2016

Addio del semestre passato

Hello from Dallas, TX! It's the point in the semester for myself (and I'm sure for my colleagues and students) where we feel like imitating our beloved cat Panda ...

And it's time to think, and re-think, what went great, when it was "working," and what needs to be tweaked (or tossed). 

What worked ...

This is the first semester that my husband and I have been homeowners. While this comes with the obvious benefits of building equity, being able to deduct mortgage interest, and getting a serious upgrade on space and storage, we are able to make our own decisions (small and large) in terms of decorating and even structural elements to the house. Zheng has spent some spare time building walls and laying concrete. His most recent project was to demolish and re-finish the fireplace in slate. (We have some popular DIY shows to blame for this!).

This is also the first semester (even though it's the fifth at UNM) where I have been in a more secure position with my job. Last year was a harrowing year in terms of applying for tenure-track positions, as my job (full-time lecturer at the time) was getting converted to a tenure-line. I was the equivalent of an NYC apartment in a building that was "going condo."

This year brought additional, important professional opportunities - increased work with Santa Fe Opera, Opera Southwest, my first time teaching at OperaWorks, and more opportunities with the New Mexico Philharmonic - 2017 will bring more abundance. I am continually greatful.

I joined a yoga studio (this one) and have been practicing regularly at one place since August. 

It shouldn't be rocket science to a musician that there is no alternative to practicing. 

I'll keep this up in 2017 and will adjust my teaching hours slightly to fit different possible classes into even more of a practice routine. 

(Did I just put myself before my career?) 

Another major change for me has been adhering to a strict ketogenic diet since August. I may never go back to the years of loving bread and its progeny ... not only has the weight-loss been sustainable and significant, but my chronic imsomnia is greatly improved. 
Tweaks (I'm sure more are coming ) ... 

People discuss "resolutions" and mine is a stolen one from a dear friend. It is simple - book 45 minutes per day of reading time. And stealing from another great artist in the collaborative piano field, which is to read and write one poem per day. 

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